ORCAER®-Hydraulic Pump.Valve.Motor.Cooler

Excavator Hydraulic Pump

Kawasaki K3V112DT Hydraulic Pump

Kawasaki K3V112DT Hydraulic Pump

Kawasaki K3V112DT Hydraulic Pump

The K3V / K5V series are variable displacement axial piston pumps of swash plate design, suitable for use in mobile applications such as Excavators, Cranes, etc.
Various rotary group layouts, tandem type with PTO and parallel type are available to respond to applications.
There are high reliability and more than 25 years of experience in the on mobile applications.


  • High Power Density
  • High Suction Capability
  • High Reliability
  • Wide range of control options

Kawasaki hydraulic piston pump K3V63DT K5V80T K3V63DTP K5V80DTP K3V112DT K5V140DT K3V112DTP  K5V140DTP K3V140DT double pump

Contact us for further technical details and configuration options


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